A major omission on this (mostly C&W) blog so far is any mention of the Wagons-Lits sleeping car no.3916. The coach had been languishing at Wansford for many years, but a very active restoration group has taken an interest in it and over the last few years have been thoroughly restoring the coach. Please use the link on the right hand side of the page to go to the International Railway Preservation Society (IRPS) website, which will give far more detail on this vehicle and its restoration than I ever could.
The sleeping car is in full public view, parked up on the same siding as the 'Kriegslok' locomotive. It is always pleasing to see vehicles given the TLC they deserve, the IRPS have made huge efforts and progress both with fundraising and physical work on the vehicle. I believe the intention is to display the completed vehicle in the 'Night Mail' museum building, which is being planned for construction at Ferry Meadows station. This will house the NVR TPOs, along with the two NVR Wagon-Lits carriages (the other is Restaurant Car no.2975, which stands at Wansford station and can be examined from the platform). Donations and offers of help, large or small, would almost certainly be greatly appreciated!

Corroded metal has been chopped out from the end vestibule. Unfortunately, as is often the case with restoration projects, this has led to the discovery of yet more corrosion requiring complete removal and replacement with new metal.

The north side has been needle-gunned, wire wheeled, rust treated, and primed. Some blue undercoat has gone on in places.